Tuesday, October 27, 2009




The strategy that we focused on was to make sure that we got all the heavy balls since they were worth so many points and to be more focused on offense than defense. Also included in our strategy was that all the balls would be moved together instead of individually. The concept that we are using is a device, much like a tennis ball hopper lowers into the slot and forces the balls into the hopper. This process is repeated until all the balls are picked up or the hopper is full.
Once we have finished picking up the balls, the hopper will be raised into a cart on top of the arena which will drive the entire device to the opponent's side.

Our current solid model is at the correct dimensions that we would manufacture. We have the entire solid model made in SolidWorks, however, we still have to insert the fasteners and other mechanical components such as bearings and springs. Using the dimensions from the solid model, our sketch model has been made and it works in the way that we thought it would. It should be useful when assembling our final machine.